MailBeamer for Microsoft Mail

  • MailBeamer is a SMTP, POP3 and Web Gateway for Microsoft Mail.
  • MailBeamer integrates completely into MSMail and once installed,
    all MSMail Clients can immediately send messages to the Internet without installing anything on the Client side.
  • MailBeamer is a drop-in-replacement for the MS SMTP Gateway.
    You can try MailBeamer without disturbing your current configuration.
  • MailBeamer supports Dial-Up connections to the Internet
  • MailBeamer can receive your messages using SMTP and/or POP3
  • MailBeamer can handle zero, one or more 'downstream' postoffices.
    However you will need to install SMTPVia, which is a add-on to MailBeamer, on the downstream postoffice(s).
    Any POP3 client like Microsoft Windows Messaging or Eudora can access the postoffice from the Internet or Intranet.
  • Any web browser like Netscape or Internet Explorer can access the postoffice from the Internet or the Intranet
  • MailBeamer supports MIME and UUENCODE and handles incoming messages without a UNIX host or any other complicated installation.
  • MailBeamer supports a complete user defined address translation which can handle nearly all address translations possible in a MSMail environment.
  • MailBeamer supports the MAPS ( Mail Abuse Protection System ) RBL ( Realtime Blackhole List for Spammer )
  • MailBeamer can be used for postoffices starting from 2 to 10,000 users
  • MailBeamer works with MSMail 3.x or any Workgroup Postoffice that comes with WFW, Win95 or NT



Advanced Configuration


History and Licensing

System Requirements

  • Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95/98 with TCP/IP installed
  • Microsoft Mail, version 3.x or Workgroup Postoffice that included in WFW, Win95 or NT

How does it work

For outgoing SMTP messages MailBeamer scans the SMTP queue on your postoffice and if a messages is found, MailBeamer converts it to MIME or UUENCODE.

MSMail addresses are converted to an SMTP address by first scanning the User Address table for a matching user. If a match is found, MailBeamer will use that address.

If no match is found in User Address table, MailBeamer will scan the Postoffice Route table for a match of the network and postoffice. If a match is found, MailBeamer uses the domain from the Postoffice Route and the mailbox from MSMail to create the SMTP address.

Then MailBeamer queries your names server for the mail server(s) of the target domain and send the message to this host.

Note: If a relay host is given, then MailBeamer forwards the message to this host, which in turn does the actual job of sending the message to the recipient.

For incoming messages MailBeamer is either listening on TCP/IP port 25 and if a mailer establishes a connection, MailBeamer creates a new thread for this connection, receives the message, converts the message from MIME or UUENCODE and puts it into the mailbag of the MSMail recipient.

Or MailBeamer scan a POP3 mailbox , converts the messages from MIME or UUENCODE and puts it into the mailbag of the MSMail recipient.

For an incoming message, MailBeamer has to find the MSMail mailbox of the recipient.

If the incoming message is received via SMTP, MailBeamer first scans the SMTP Forwarding table for a match. If it finds one, the message is sent to this SMTP address.

It there is no match or the message was received via POP3, the MailBeamer scans the User Address table. If it finds a match, it sends the message to this MSMail mailbox.

At least MailBeamer extracts the domain part out of the recipients SMTP address and scans the Postoffice Route table for a match of the domain. If a match is found, MailBeamer queries the address list of the postoffice for a user that matches the user part of the recipients SMTP address.

If there is a problem with a message that MailBeamer can not handle, the messages is optionally sent the person who is responsible for MailBeamer, so that no message is lost. However, you can also choose to return the message to the sender.

Quick start if you have a leased line

If you have a leased line or a direct connection to the Internet than you should receive messages using SMTP which is fast and reliable.

For a quick start please read

Quick start if you have a Dial-Up connection

If you have a Dial-Up connection to the Internet you should receive messages using Inbound POP3 Routing which requires nearly no changes at your ISP. MailBeamer will then act like a normal email client to your ISP and your don't get struggled with the whole DNS / MX stuff.

For a quick start please read

Note: If you want to receive all mail for your whole company through one POP3 mailbox, then select Auto Detect in Inbound POP3 Routing and ask your ISP to set up a star POP3 mailbox, which means that all messages to your domain name should be routed to one POP3 mailbox.


Create a directory on your machine and copy all the files into this directory.
Start MBAdmin.exe to configure MailBeamer.
On your first start you will prompted for the following information:
  • MSMail Postoffice Is Located AT

Type in the complete path to your postoffice or select the Browse button to browse My Computer

Note: If possible use UNC names rather than drives if your postoffice is not on a local drive.

  • Administrator's Address

The address of the person who is responsible for maintaining the gateway. MailBeamer will send all error messages to this address.

Depending if you want to use direct delivery or not you need to fill in the field for the name server and/or the relay host.

The rule for the fields are as follows:

  • name server and relay host given:
  • MailBeamer first try's to send directly and if this fails it forwards it to the relay host

  • name server given:
  • MailBeamer try's to send directly and if this fails it will retry it as long as the message timeout expires

  • relay host given:
  • MailBeamer forwards all to the relay host

If you have a leased line to the Internet you can leave all other settings at their defaults, but if you to use a Dial-Up connection to the Internet, switch to the Dial-Up tab and enable Dial-Up Network.

Note: The Dial-Up Network schedule is only for SMTP connections, not for POP3 connections.

After you closed the dialog by pressing Ok , MailBeamer verifies that there is a SMTP gateway installed on your postoffice.

If no SMTP Gateway is found, MailBeamer will prompt you to install the SMTP Gateway on your postoffice.
You need to allow MailBeamer to install it or MailBeamer will not work!

Note: If you currently have a different SMTP Gateway installed which is completely compatible to the Microsoft Gateway, MailBeamer will use it's queue and will not install a new one, but it will not use it's configuration or postoffice address mapping.

There after MailBeamer creates a default address mapping with your Network and postoffice and the domain "". You can change this to your real domain name by double clicking on the record in the main window.

Now you are ready to start MBServer.exe and take a look at the screen to see if MailBeamer works and no error messages are displayed.

Restart your Microsoft Mail Client and you will see a new address template called SMTP.

Create a new message using this SMTP template and fill in the address with a valid Internet address like

MailBeamer should pick up the message and if everything is ok, the message will be sent.

Receiving messages with SMTP

MailBeamer will not receive SMTP messages from the Internet until you create a Mail Exchange ( MX ) record in your DNS ( Domain Name Server ) which points to the machine where MailBeamer is running on.

If you are unsure what a MX record is, you can either read More about MX Records below or ask your ISP to do it for you.

To verify that your MX record is valid, type

NSLookup -type=mx

at the Command Prompt, where should be replaced by your domain name.

Note: An MX record shouldn't point to a CNAME, it will most probably cause you a lot of trouble!!!

Note: You should add a reverse lookup for the IP address in your DNS which points to the machine where MailBeamer is running on, because some SMTP mailers refuse to send messages if the Reverse Lookup is not available or not correct.

If you bind MailBeamer to second IP address, you need to add a reverse lookup for the IP addresses, because MailBeamer uses it to get it's own name.

To verify that your Reverse Lookup is valid, type


where should be replaced by the IP address of the machine where MailBeamer is running on.

Important note if you have a Workgroup Postoffice

If your postoffice is an Workgroup postoffice rather than a MSMail 3.x postoffice, then your Admin program refuses to work after MailBeamer is installed.

The reason is, that Microsoft has built in a check in the Admin program to prevent you from using a gateway like MailBeamer in the free-of-charge version of MSMail and so Admin gives you an error message when threre is one.
To overcome this, select

View -> SMTP Gateway -> WFW postoffice only -> Enable WFW Admin and suspend SMTP Gateway

from MailBeamer Admin menu prior to starting WFW Admin.
After you finished WFW Admin, select

View -> SMTP Gateway -> WFW postoffice only -> Disable WFW Admin and resume SMTP Gateway

to resume the gateway.

Address Mapping

Address Mapping is one of the key features of MailBeamer.
  • If you have only one postoffice:

That's the basic configuration.

You will need only one record in the main window and MailBeamer should have created it by default. Change the domain from the default to your domain and your are ready to go.
Your Internet address will be your MSMail mailbox plus the domain.

Assume your mailbox is Bill and your domain is, then your Internet address is

If you dont like this behavior, please read the section Address Mapping below.

  • If you have more postoffices:

Note: You need to install the downstream postoffice access on the postoffices which MailBeamer does not scan, so that External will transfer the SMTP messages from the downstream postoffices to the main postoffice.

You have the choice of adding one translation record for every postoffice you have and provide a different domain for each postoffice.

Doing so, every postoffice has a different Internet address, but it's absolute clear when a message arrive to which postoffice it should be sent.

On the other side, you can also use the same domain for every postoffice.
When a message arrives, MailBeamer will scan all the postoffice for the mailbox and send it to the postoffice.

This however requires that your mailbox names are unique over all postoffices, because MailBeamer will send to the first mailbox that matches. This is always a problem with the Admin mailbox, because it exist on every postoffice.

Note: If your Network is the same for all postoffices, then you need to create only one translation record and leave the postoffice field blank. MailBeamer then scans every downstream postoffice to find a matching mailbox.

User Address Mapping

By default your Internet address will be your MSMail mailbox plus the domain.

Assume your mailbox is Bill and your domain is, then your Internet address is

You can override this in View -> User Address... by providing a complete SMTP address for a specific mailbox.

Note: If you define more than one SMTP address for the same mailbox, only first is used for outgoing mail, but all are used for incoming mail.

Host Encoding

By default MailBeamer sends all messages which require a encoding using MIME with codepage of Western European (ISO-8859-1) which is today's standard.

However there are old mail systems on the Internet which can not handle MIME.

Host Encoding provides you with a way to use a different encoding based on a email domain.
In View -> Host Encoding... you can change it.


Outbound POP3 Support

Outbound POP3 is the way a POP3 client can access the postoffice.
By default Outbound POP3 access to your postoffice is disabled.

To enable it, start MailBeamer Admin, select

View -> Options -> Connections -> POP3 Transfer Mode -> Outbound Only

To test the POP3 configuration start any POP3 client like Netscape Mail, Microsoft Windows Messaging, Microsoft Internet Mail, Outlook Express, Exchange Client with INet, Outlook with INet or Eudora and configure it to receive messages from MailBeamer.

Usually your POP3 client want's to know the following:

  • SMTP Server : The machine name or IP address of the machine MailBeamer is running
  • POP3 Server : The machine name or IP address of the machine MailBeamer is running
  • POP3 Name : Your Microsoft Mail mailbox
  • POP3 Password : Your Microsoft Mail password

Note: If your Microsoft Mail password is blank, but your POP3 Client wants to have one, type in any password.

In general, it's a good idea to use passwords when POP3 is enabled, because without a password anyone on the Internet or Intranet can read your messages.

Make sure you are closing your Microsoft Mail Client prior starting the POP3 Client, because when a messages arrives only one of the two will pick up the message. If your Microsoft Mail Client polls the postoffice faster than the POP3 Client, then the Microsoft Mail Client will get the message instead the POP3 Client.


Receiving messages with POP3
( Inbound POP3 Routing )

With Inbound POP3 enabled, MailBeamer scans any POP3 mailbox and forwards the messages to your postoffice.

To enable it, start MailBeamer Admin, select

View -> Options -> Connections -> POP3 Transfer Mode -> Inbound Only

For every POP3 mailbox that MailBeamer should scan, you need to create a routing in
View -> Inbound POP3 Routing

MailBeamer needs to know the mailbox, the password and the server ( host ) where the mailbox resides.
MailBeamer also needs the to know to which Microsoft Mail address the message(es) should be forwarded.
If you select Auto Detect , MailBeamer will try to figure out the recipient from the SMTP header.

Note: In the case MailBeamer can not find a valid recipient in the SMTP header it will forward the message to the admin. It will not generate and NDR message!

By default MailBeamer scans POP3 mailbox every 15 minutes for new messages unless you change the schedule.

Installing MailBeamer as a Microsoft NT Service

Keep in mind that MailBeamer needs to reside on a local disk or the Service Controller can't start.
For the samples below, we assume MailBeamer is in C:\MailBeam.

Be sure that MailBeamer is running well in Console Mode and there is no error, because once you run it as a Service, you can't see a screen and a problem will only be visible in the log file.

There are two different install methods depending of the location of your postoffice.

  • Your postoffice is on a local disk

Start MBServer.exe one time with an argument of install, by typing
MBServer install
at the Command Prompt and MailBeamer will create the service.

By default it's an AUTOSTART Service and any time your computer is started, MailBeamer will start.
You can start and stop MailBeamer at any time via Control Panel

Note: In MailBeam.Ini, MailDrive= had to point to a local directory, NOT to a sharename, i.e. use MailDrive=C:\MAILDATA and not MailDrive=M

  • Your postoffice is on a network disk

Start MailBeamer one time with an argument of install, by typing
MBServer install
and MailBeamer will create the service.

By default it's an AUTOSTART Service and any time your computer is started, MailBeamer will start.

Before you do the next part it's a good idea to create a user MailBeamer on your NT machine.

Open Control Panel, select Services, locate MailBeamer and press the button labeled Startup...

In section Log On As select This account and select a account (user) which MailBeamer should use for performing a log on into the network.

The account need to have the right to Log on as a Service
You can set this right when checking Show Advanced Rights in User Manager

Note: On NT 3.51 and later this is done automatic when you select the account.

It's a good idea to create a user MailBeamer on your NT machine and select this user instead of a human person, because if your ever change the password or delete the account, MailBeamer can't no longer log on into the network.

Note: In MailBeam.Ini, MailDrive= had to be an UNC name and not a drive. i.e. use MailDrive=\\SERVER\SHARENAME and not MailDrive=M because there is no drive mapping for a Service.

You can start and stop MailBeamer at any time via Control Panel

Note: After you started MailBeamer as a Service, verify that MailBeamer has no errors ( i.e. it have access to all your postoffices ). You need to take a look into the log file to do this.

Removing MailBeamer as a Microsoft NT Service

Start MBServer.exe one time with an argument of remove, by typing

MBServer remove

at the Command Prompt and MailBeamer will delete the service.

How to stop MailBeamer

  • MailBeamer runs as a console application:
  • Press ESCAPE
  • Select Close from the system menu ( works only on NT )
  • Press Alt-F4 ( works only on NT )
  • MailBeamer runs as a service on NT:
  • Open Control Panel, select Services, locate MailBeamer and press the button labeled Stop
  • type net stop MailBeamer at the Command Prompt

Upgrade to the latest Version

You will find the latest version of MailBeamer at

To upgrade your current version of MailBeamer

  • stop MBServer.exe and close MBAdmin.exe
  • make a backup of your current MBServer.exe and MBAdmin.exe
  • extract MBServer.exe and MBAdmin.exe from the zip file and copy it into your MailBeamer directory
  • Restart MBServer.exe

More about Sync vs. Async Mode

MailBeamer has two modes for sending SMTP messages: Sync Mode and Async Mode.

In Sync Mode MailBeamer extracts one message out of the SMTP queue and sends it to the relay host. This cycle is repeated for every message until no more messages are available.

In Async Mode MailBeamer extracts all messages out of the SMTP queue in one thread and a second thread sends these messages to the relay host. MailBeamer try's to minimize DNS queries and network traffic and sends all available messages using one session.

As a result of Async Mode, you will not see messages in the SMTP queue when you are using MSMail's admin.exe. You can find  unsent messages are in the MSG-OUT folder where every message is represented using a pair of files, one with a TXT extension and the other with a ONX extension.

Note: When Dial-Up is enabled, MailBeamer always uses Sync Mode, because it's the most efficient way to send messages.

More about MX Records

The following information is intended for the DNS administrator:

The MX resource record provides the ability to publish mail routing information using DNS.

This is useful for several reasons:

MX records allow multiple hosts to accept mail on behalf of a single host. If the destination mail server is down or otherwise off-line, then one of the other mail servers can accept mail on that system's behalf. When the destination system is brought back on-line, the secondary mail servers will forward the mail to it. MX records allow multiple hosts to accept mail on behalf of a domain.

Rather than address mail to, you can simply send mail to
The MX records tell external mail servers which internal mail servers to use for mail that is addressed to

The format of the MX record differs slightly from the format of an A record. Rather than use IP addresses, the MX record uses host names instead.

Also, an additional field provides an ability to set preferences for which hosts are the end-targets.

For example, the following MX resource record indicates that all mail addressed to should be sent to MailBeamerMachine, and then to AnotherHost if MailBeamerMachine is unreachable: IN MX 10 MailBeamerMachine 
           IN MX 20 AnotherHost 

Note: Under no circumstances should you use MX records in conjunction with CNAME alias records.
This will confuse many mail servers on the market, preventing you from receiving mail from those systems and it also violates RFC974.

More about virus scanning

MailBeamer does the virus scanning by calling an external virus scanner.

Currently there are two scanners known to work with MailBeamer, which are

Note: Do not use the unregistered version of DrSolomon FindVirus, because this version will pop up a dialog box and waits for a user input. MailBeamer will then wait until you press the ok button.
If MailBeamer is running as a NT Service, then you will not see the pop up dialog and have no chance to press ok. As a result MailBeamer will not continue working.

Note: When you select the exe file for the scanner, make sure you are using an UNC name if your scanner is not on a local harddisk.

Note: You need a proper license for your virus scanner. Please read carefully the license agreement of your scanner.

MailBeamer does not include a license for the scanner!

Some language specific versions of the license agreement of DrSolomon do not allow that FindVirus can be started by another program. Make sure you license agreement allows this.

Beside of the supported scanners you can use nearly every scanner that can be started from a Command line.

MailBeamer calls the scanner with the arguments you specified and the current file name.

As an example here are the input you need to make for McAfee NTScan:

  • Executable: C:\McAfee\NTScan.exe
  • Arguments: <FILE> /ALL /NOBEEP

MailBeamer translates <FILE> to the current filename and then starts the scanner.

This would look like:

C:\McAfee\NTScan.exe C:\MailBeamer\$TE22234 /ALL /NOBEEP

You need to make sure that your scanner scans all files for all viruses, because MailBeamer passes over a filename with no extension and scanners which do their virus scanning based on a files extension, will fail.

On return of the scanner, MailBeamer checks the errorlevel. If the errorlevel is anything except 0 ( NULL ) it will consider the file as infected by a virus.

Downstream Postoffices

MailBeamer can handle zero, one or more downstream postoffices.
However you will need to install SMTPVia, which is a add-on to MailBeamer, on the downstream postoffice(s).

To make it more clear, the main postoffice is the postoffice where MailBeamer is running on.
Or in other words, the postoffice that is defined in MBAdmin  View->Option->Mail->MSMail Postoffice is located at

All other postoffices are so called downstream postoffices.
The physical transfer of a message between the main postoffice and the downstream postoffice is done by External.exe.

To let the users on the downstream postoffice send and receive SMTP messages, you need to add every downstream postoffice into MailBeamer's configuration.
This is done by starting MBAdmin and selecting File->New Postoffice Route for every downstream postoffice

Then you need to apply SMTPVia against every downstream postoffice.
To do this first check where the downstream postoffice is located and if you can access it from your PC.
The following sample assumes that the downstream postoffice is locate at the server \\REMOTE with a share of MAILDATA. So the UNC to the downtream postoffice would be \\REMOTE\MAILDATA

Start SMTPVia and fill out the Path to postoffice which would be \\REMOTE\MAILDATA and the Network and Postoffice which is the Network and Postoffice of the main postoffice ( the one MailBeamer is running on ).

Note: In the case that your downstream postoffice are not directly routed to the main postoffice you need to specify the Network and Postoffice of the next hop.

Once you have done this its a good idea to restart External.exe or it will take one hour until External.exe recognizes the changes in the configuration.

Thereafter your users on the downstream postoffice should be able to send and receive messages.

Note: SMTPVia is licensed per postoffice and you will need one license for every downstream postoffice.

Note: There is no demo version of SMTPVia and you can order SMTPVia only when ordering together with MailBeamer.
However in the demo version you can add the downstream postoffice using File->New Postoffice Route and so your users on the downstream postoffice can receive messages. They can not send messages or reply to a message, because that requires SMTPVia.


Some things you should know

In SMTP it's usual that a mailbox called POSTMASTER exist and that someone can send to this mailbox.
MailBeamer forwards such a message to the mailbox you selected as the admin for a postoffice.
Do not create a mailbox called POSTMASTER ,because POSTMASTER is handled different than a normal mailbox.

MailBeamer restarts itself every 7 days to clear all it's internal caches.

If you run MailBeamer on a Win95 machine, then it's a good idea to install Service Pack 1.
Service Pack 1 fixes the out-of-memory problem of the TCP/IP stack.

If you run MailBeamer under Win95 and get the error "No machine name given" at startup, then start
"Control Panel->Network->Identification" and make sure there is something in the field labeled "Computername"

Helper Programs

  • Signal

Signal is a command line program that let's you perform the same commands as from the Signal menu of MBAdmin.
So you can force the download of POP3 messages with the simple click to a link rather than starting MBAdmin. can be downloaded from


  • LogView

LogView let's you view the logfile in real time from any machine on your network.
This is especially useful if MBServer runs as a service. can be downloaded from


Detailed information how MailBeamer works

Everything on the Internet is is regulated with Requests for Comments (RFC's).
Reading RFC's is a way to learn more how MailBeamer does something and why it does it.

RFC's supported by MailBeamer

Other standards supported by MailBeamer

Helpful, but not directly related RFC's

Other helpful links


Licensing Agreement

MailBeamer © is copyrighted 1993-1999 by DataEnter, Michael Kocum,
portions © Microsoft Corp.

This product and it's documentation may not, in whole or in part, be copied, reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other natural or computer language, in any form or by any means whatsoever, be it electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual or otherwise, without the prior written consent of DataEnter. DataEnter makes no warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to the product MailBeamer and it's documentation, their quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. DataEnter reserves the right to revise the user's guide and make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such a change. In no event will DataEnter be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, real or imagined, resulting from the use or purchase of this software. Under no circumstances shall DataEnter's liability for damages exceed the price paid for the software license. Should any remedy hereunder be determined to have failed, all limitations of liability and exclusion of damages set forth above shall remain in full force and effect. The extent of the DataEnter's warranty for the software and it's documentation is limited to physical defects of the distribution media containing the software. Contact DataEnter to obtain return authorization for the replacement diskette within 30 days of the original date of purchase. Any further statement made by agents, employees, distributors or dealers of DataEnter do not constitute warranties and are not binding. No employee of DataEnter has the authority to modify any portion of this warranty. All brand and product names we refer to in the documentation are used solely for identification purposes and may be trademarks of other companies.

DataEnter, (the licensor) grants the buyer (the licensee) the right to use this copy of MailBeamer (the program) on a single computer at a single location servicing a single postoffice as long as the licensee complies with the terms of this license. The licensor reserves the right to terminate this license if the licensee violates any part of the agreement. The licensee agrees to make copies of the program only for backup purposes. The licensee agrees not to copy the documentation and to take all necessary precautions to ensure that the backup copies of the software are not distributed to or acquired by other parties.

Microsoft Mail is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Windows for Workgroups is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.


v3.00 97-05-28
  • Released

v3.01 97-06-16

  • Changed CSV delimiter Added IN and OUT directory below exe path for temp files
  • Changed sending Postmaster as <>
  • Added support for messages coming from MHS addresses
  • Added support for "Content-Type: text"
  • Added a extra thread for converting incoming messages
  • Added support for partial MIME header
  • Fixed display of file size on incoming messages
  • Fixed display of To address on incoming messages
  • Fixed a typo in months name
  • Fixed recipient setting with Microsoft Mail Clients
  • Added SMTP message header as gateway header v3.02 97-06-21
  • Added support for MIME messages with UUENCODE Fixed notetext for admin messages
  • Added POP3 support which enables access of the postoffice with any POP3 client

v3.03 97-07-04

  • Added exclusion for WINMAIL.DAT based on a host
  • Added CPS to screen and logfile
  • Added support to disable SMTP header
  • Changed the alias name to for an SMTP address when no alias name is inside the SMTP message
  • Changed the Microsoft Mail alias name to the SMTP alias name on blind forwarding to a downstream postoffice when the mailbox is unknown at the main postoffice
  • Added display of MailBeamer's main IP address
  • Added support to bind SMTP and POP3 to a specific IP address
  • Added SMTP commands to admin message when MailBeamer is unable to convert a SendTo address
  • Added support for ms-tnef file format
  • Added 501 error for host with invalid HELO command

v3.04 97-07-09

  • Fixed a bug in UUENCODED attachments

v3.05 97-07-31

  • Added option to write CSV file in ANSI charset
  • Added MIME encoding of SMTP header for incoming messages
  • Added dotted line after SMTP header for incoming messages
  • Added support to wrap notetext on inbound messages
  • Added wrap notetext based on postoffice
  • Added add SMTP header based on postoffice
  • Added support for ISO-8859-2 charset
  • Added support for MIME header encoding
  • Added support for Remote Message Queue Processing ( RFC 1985 )
  • Fixed error message when MailBeamer is bound to a IP address where no reverse dns lookup is enabled
  • Synchronized threads at startup
  • Added more hints to error messages so that it's more meaningful to end users
  • Added option for outbound messages to send non-delivery message to sender or forward message to admin
  • Changed option for outbound messages for CC of non-delivery message to admin
  • Added more error checking on SMTP addresses
  • Changed error code on SMTP VRFY (RFC 1123)
  • Added sending host to "Received:" line (RFC 1123)
  • Changed SMTP connection timeout to 5 minutes (RFC 1123)
  • Added option to use "Reply-To" or "From" as From for Microsoft Mail message
  • Added support for "X-Priority"
  • Fixed a problem when a message is sent to more than one recipient and one of the recipients has a wrong SMTP address
  • Fixed bug in which an error message is send to admin rather than the sender
  • Changed handling of "inline" MIME attachments v3.06 97-08-25
  • Added a workaround for receiving SMTP messages with a embedded NULL char ( Outlook in combination with a relay host )
  • Added support for 8Bit MIME convert when receiving from Outlook Added workaround for CC-Mail ND messages Hiding POP3 password in logfile
  • Speeded up decoding when more than one message is in In-Queue
  • Fixed a bug in sending message to a Microsoft Mail group Fixed a bug in converting
  • From address to ISO-8850-x Fixed a bug in X-MSMail-Priority

v3.07 97-08-30

  • Added support for x-uuencode in MIME message
  • Fixed an infinite loop when an incoming message had no RCPT TO
  • Converting notetext to an attachment if larger than 32K
  • Changed SMTP timeouts to be more relaxed

v3.08 97-09-19

  • MSG files are now saved to hist-in and hist-out directory in a different directory for every day
  • In POP3 the Microsoft Mail message header is now deleted before sending the message
  • Changed the way MailBeamer quotes an alias name
  • Added a shadow log for the current day called MB.LOG
  • Added support for virus scanning
  • Added support for "text/html" with unknown attachment name
  • Added support for user defined SMTP and POP3 ports

v3.09 97-10-17

  • Added support for inbound POP3 routing ( receiving messages via POP3 )
  • Added support for Dial-Up connection
  • Added more hints to the NDR when MailBeamer detects an invalid SMTP address
  • Added option to send NDR as CC to all Admin's ( the Admin for the postoffice and the general Admin )
  • Added option do process messages as usual even an virus is detected
  • Added option to prevent an Exchange Serer from generating NDR messages because of to old messages
  • Added checking of attachment filename for valid DOS chars
  • Changed the format of the inx files
  • Changed the way outgoing messages are handled when using Dial-Up ( all messages will be extracted from the queue and sent using an extra thread )
  • Changed a empty From address to , because some clients have troubles displaying a empty address
  • Changed the calling of the virus scanner in Win95 to use a new console rather than detach it
  • Fixed wrong POP3 inbound settings ( outbound was inbound )
  • Fixed parsing of FullName in SMTP Address when there was a single quote inside ( Scarlett O'Hara )
  • Fixed that no error is generated when a POP3 TOP command retrieves a message where the senders SMTP address is invalid
  • Fixed deleting of temp files in the case of an convert error
  • Fixed infinite loop when a message was sent to a group that consists only of SMTP addresses

v3.10 97-11-01

  • Fixed deleting of messages in outbound POP3
  • Fixed deleting of temp files in outbound POP3
  • Fixed Dial-Up for incoming SMTP messages so that the line remains up until the message is received
  • Fixed Outbound virus handling "Process as usual"
  • Changed virus scanner window to be hidden in Win95
  • Changed duplication of SMTP messages when sending to a relay host
  • Changed sending in Sync Mode to use one connection for all available messages
  • Added display of Phonebook entry when using Dial-Up
  • Added display of IPAddress entry when using Dial-Up

v3.11 97-11-08

  • Fixed not sending NDR message when there is a problem with the relay host
  • Fixed Dial-Up so that it hangs up in every situation
  • Fixed Dial-Up so that it does not make a connection when a local POP3 client does a mail check
  • Fixed MIME encoding when subject consists of chars outside the ASCII range
  • Changed Dial-Up so that MailBeamer uses an existing connection
  • Changed Inbound POP3 so that downloaded messages are discarded in the case the POP3 server does not honor sign off

v3.12 97-12-10

  • Changed ETRN to use a schedule
  • Changed ETRN to send all host(s) and domains(s)
  • Added option to keep Dial-Up open after a connection
  • Added support for "multipart/digest" messages with invalid boundary
  • Added logging of the filename for an virus infected file
  • Added support for "multipart/alternative"
  • Added message size threshold before converting to an attachment
  • Added switch to force 8.3 file names for attachments
  • Added charset support for eastern Europe postoffice(s)
  • Added direct delivery without using a relay host
  • Fixed CC to Admin when sending a NDR for outgoing virus
  • Fixed a memory allocation problem
  • Fixed NDR when admin sends the message

v3.13 98-01-22

  • Fixed the 8.3 file name switch
  • Fixed POP3 a error when a Microsoft Mail address could not be converted
  • Fixed SMTP NDR message
  • Changed the default outbound SMTP method to async
  • Added ESMTP support
  • Added message size limit for inbound and outbound SMTP
  • Added redirecting of inbound SMTP messages which are for a different host
  • Added inbound SMTP address forwarding
  • Added optional Dial-Up at startup
  • Added LogView.exe for remotly viewing the log file

v3.14 98-02-28

  • Fixed inbound POP3 direct routing when mailbox is on a downstream postoffice
  • Fixed inbound POP3 charset decoding when redirecting to a fixes Microsoft Mail address
  • Fixed blnak host name when running under some versions of Win95
  • Changed inbound SMTP and POP3 to be more responsive
  • Changed SMTP greeting to allow more lines
  • Changed Microsoft Mail queue checking so that a virus scanner does not confuse it
  • Added blocking of IP address, host, domain or SMTP address
  • Added immediate Dial-Up for high priority message
  • Added NDR when a domain routes to two or more postoffices and no exact address match can be found
  • Added switch to force ETRN at every outbound SMPT message
  • Added a setup program

v3.15 98-04-11

  • Added Web access to the postoffice using any browser like Netscape or Internet Explorer
  • Added an extra thread for ETRN
  • Added support for some unusual UUENCODED attachments
  • Added support for POP3 "Received for" and "Resent to" header lines
  • Added option to "stamp" a message
  • Added better caching of MSMail addresses
  • Added support for NET/PO/ address for Outlook
  • Fixed global setting of NoteTextLimit
  • Fixed a memory problem in UUENCODE
  • Fixed postoffice settings of 8.3 attachment file names
  • Changed the wait time at the end to five minutes to allow any pending transfer to be canceled
  • Changed decoding so that a single blocking mailbox will not stop the decoding of other messages
  • Changed outbound POP3 so that a downloaded message is marked as read

v3.16 98-05-18

  • Added support for old mailers which do not encode foreign characters
  • Added option to convert all addresses to MSMail format if they are local users
  • Added option so that an message for a local recipient is not sent over the Internet
  • Added support for Pegasus X-Confirm-Reading-To
  • Fixed Web when the sender is on an undefined downstream postoffice
  • Fixed problem with temp files on heavy usage
  • Fixed decoding of SMTP address like "user"
  • Fixed a problem with sending large messages over the Web
  • Fixed file size in Web Inbox
  • Fixed a problem with Dial-Up when the connection failed
  • Fixed a problem when MSMail message could not be delete from SMTP queue
  • Fixed a problem with virus scanning when the temp directory has a space in it
  • Changed sorting of Web Inbox to be sorted by date
  • Changed converting of SMTP address to MSMail address to speed up messages with a large number of recipients

v3.17 98-07-07

  • Fixed a problem when a POP3 server sends blanks before the result code
  • Fixed deletion of temp files in POP3 sessions
  • Fixed Exchange Date Fix for messages before 1994
  • Fixed NDR messages on a WFW postoffice
  • Fixed QP decoding to be RFC compatible
  • Changed MBAdmin so that deleted database records will not be reused
  • Changed from address in NDR from admin to postmaster
  • Added wake up for dialup router
  • Added SOCKS support
  • Added a fix for outgoing PGP signature and crypt that are corrupted by the client

v3.18 98-09-03

  • Fixed a problem with a special MIME boundary
  • Fixed a problem with NDR messages generated from Admin.exe
  • Fixed a bug in setting the size of outgoing messages in MBAdmin
  • Fixed a bug in encoding filenames with foreign chars
  • Added support to relay only from specific hosts
  • Added support for spam blocking using MAPS RBL ( )
  • Added a workaround for Outlook98 read receipt bug
  • Added AUTH=LOGIN for inbound SMTP
  • Added sending of uploading an attachment via web connector ( changed s_msg.htm )
  • Added support for ISO-8859-3, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-7 and ISO-8859-9
  • Added a third digit for the thread number
  • Added support for discarding duplicated email in inbound POP3 routing based on identical message id

v3.19 98-10-24

  • Fixed "received for" line in outbound POP3
  • Fixed a problem with postmaster message in Inbound POP3 with auto detect
  • Fixed charset for the display name in web access
  • Fixed the display name of an address in a group
  • Fixed garbage line in Outlook98 read receipt message
  • Fixed deleting of temp file with duplicated message
  • Added support for user message size limit
  • Added support for spam blocking using ORBS ( )
  • Added support for decoding BinHex ( MAC )
  • Added support for inbound Rich Text Format ( WINMAIL.DAT )
  • Added a check that only messages with more than one recipient are discarded

v3.20 98-12-01

  • Changed inbound POP thread to be more responsive when overriding the schedule
  • Changed the NDR message to be less confusing
  • Changed blocking of addresses/domains so that it works now with Inbound POP3 messages
  • Added support to signal MBServer that it should immediately collect and send messages
    ( please read the section "Helper Programs" of the documentation for a complete description )
  • Added support for message size limit even the message comes in via normal SMTP
  • Added auto detection of name server
  • Added a logoff page ( logoff.htm ) for the web interface to force the browser to close the session

v3.21 99-01-30

  • Fixed inbound messages size limit with users who have a larger limit that the default
  • Fixed MBAdmin to allow a user inbound SMTP size limit even if ESMPT is not enablemd
  • Changed the way a connect is done so that it does not take 5 minutes to find out that a host is not responding
  • Changed POP3 greeting so that Mac client is less confused
  • Added a workaround for a configuration bug in some QPOP POP3 servers
  • Added support for messages with "Content-Type: text" which are generated by some list servers
  • Added a workaround for MIME messages from Netscape with foreign characters in the subject
  • Added skipping of bad POP3 messages which are not downloadable
  • Added support for all auto detected name servers

v3.22 99-03-22

  • Added a workaround for a bug in McAfee virus scanner which deletes the file for no good reason
  • Added a workaround when OL98 sends an attachment with a blank name
  • Fixed downloading of corrupt messages


Changed: 1999-03-22 12:05

Copyright © 1996-1999 DataEnter, Michael Kocum